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TitleManagement contracts in water and sanitation : Gaza's experience
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsSaghir, J, Sherwood, E, Macoun, A
Secondary TitleWorld Bank public policy for the private sector notes
Volumeno. 177
Pagination4 p.
Date Published1999-04-01
PublisherWorld Bank Finance, Private Sector, and Infrastructure Network
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordscontracts, financing, legislation, palestine gaza, private sector, sdiman, water authorities

In 1996 a management contract was awarded to help the local government service providers and the Palestinian Water Authority improve water service. Since the contract became active, water quality has improved, water losses have fallen, and consumption and revenues have increased. Despite the improved performance, the management contract has illustrated some of the limitations of this approach to private participation in water supply. This Note reviews the contract design and discusses the lessons.

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