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Practical guidance on constructing low-cost, on-site sanitation facilities in areas with a seasonally high groundwater table, or in areas that are prone to flooding.

TitleLow-cost sanitation in areas with a high groundwater table
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsParry-Jones, S
Secondary TitleWELL factsheet
Pagination6 p. : 5 fig.
Date Published2003-03-01
PublisherWater, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC
Place PublishedLoughborough, UK
Keywordscomposting latrines, groundwater pollution, guidelines, pit latrines, pour flush latrines, sdisan, sdiwat

Practical guidance on constructing low-cost, on-site sanitation facilities in areas with a seasonally high groundwater table, or in areas that are prone to flooding. Several latrine options are outlined, and their suitability for different circumstances and locations discussed. [from Sanicon]

Notes8 ref.
Custom 1321.0, 323.1, 244


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