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This research monograph reviews low-cost composting systems for sewage sludge and municipal solid waste (MSW). It focuses on windrow and aerated static pile systems.

TitleLow cost composting
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsMara, DD, Stentiford, EI, Neto, JTPereira
Secondary TitleResearch monographs in tropical public health engineering
Volumeno. 4
Paginationix, 50 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published1996-03-01
PublisherUniversity of Leeds, Department of Civil Engineering
Place PublishedLeeds, UK
Keywordsappropriate technology, brazil minas gerais belo horizonte, composting, literature reviews, refuse, research, sdisan, sludge

This research monograph reviews low-cost composting systems for sewage sludge and municipal solid waste (MSW). It focuses on windrow and aerated static pile systems. It also presents the results of a pilot plant study in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, on a hybrid mode of aeration (a combination of suck and blow) for an aerated static pile composting system for MSW The monograph concludes with a discussion on the role of recycling and controlled composting in waste management for low income areas in developing countries.

Notes46 ref.
Custom 1352.2


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