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TitleLong term vision for water, life and the environment : project document Vision Management Committee
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsMarseille, FRWorld Wate
Pagination20 p. : 2 fig., photogr., tab.
Date Published1998-06-01
PublisherWorld Water Council
Place PublishedMarseille, France
Keywordsenvironment, international level, policies, sdipol, sdiwrm, sustainable development, water resources management

The Long Term Vision for Water, Life and the Environment is seen by the World Water Council as an opportunity to bring together people involved in water with the goals of preventing water related conflicts; providing affordable food, safe drinking water and sanitation for everyone; and protecting and restoring the natural values of eco-systems. It also hopes to reach a consensus on the manner in which these goals can be reached and to get a commitment to take action to achieve them. This document presents a preliminary outline of a proposed approach and will serve as the Project Document for the Long Term Vision on Water, Life and the Environment. The introduction states the essence of the Vision exercise; namely, a participatory approach involving groups both inside and outside the water sector combined with innovative thinking, and outlines the main activities planned to implement the Vision. Background leading to the decision to launch the global Vision is given along with the rationale and specific objectives of the project. The approach adopted by the World Water Council to carry out the Vision exercise is described. Details are given about project organization, and the tasks of the Vision components including The Vision Management Unit, The Vision Commission, The Subsectoral Visions, and The Regional Visions, as well as the functions of The Consultation Process, and The Communication Process. The document ends with an outline of the four implementation phases running from July 1998 - June 2000, and a budget projection. The Vision is to be presented to the world at the 2nd World Water Forum, which will be held in The Hague in March 2000. The World Water Council intends to work with The Global Water Partnership to present an action plan for the 21st century at the same time.

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Original PublicationLong term vision for water, life and the enviroment : a proposed framework


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