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TitleA long run perspective on urban water and sanitation infrastructure financing: essays in public finance
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsO. Reghizzi, C
Secondary AuthorsBarraque, B, Senn, CL
Pagination241 p.;
Date Published10/2014
PublisherAgroParisTech and Universita’ Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Place PublishedFrance
Publication LanguageEnglish and French
Keywordsfinancing, public finance, sanitation infrastructure, urban, water and sanitation services

This PhD research examines the financing history of water and sanitation infrastructure through the lens of public finance theory. The urban water sector is highly capital intensive. How to finance water infrastructure is a key challenge for policy-makers both in Europe where it is necessary to upgrade an ageing water infrastructure and in developing countries where an expansion of water infrastructure is needed to provide access to water and sanitation services for all.
The core of this thesis is composed of six essays which are currently in the submission process to be published in journals and collective books. [authors abstract]


This is an abridged version of the thesis for online diffusion (from page 225 summary in French). This version does not include the 6 essays in Part II and III. These essays will be available quite soon in the various forthcoming publications (see Appendix 2 for the references). Meanwhile, three working paper versions of the papers are available online at the following links below:

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