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TitleLocal water management initiatives : NGO activities in Gujarat
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsMoench, M, Kumar, MD
Pagination43 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherVIKSAT, Vikram Sarabhai Centre for Development Interaction
Place PublishedAhmedabad, India
Keywordsartificial recharge, community management, india gujarat, irrigation, non-governmental organizations, projects, rainwater harvesting, water resources management

Articles by NGOs dealing with water management, particularly groundwater, are collected in this monograph as a background for a meeting held at VIKSAT in February, 1993, to initiate coordinated NGO research and support activities. A wide variety of activities by NGOs across Gujarat concerning groundwater availability, quality problems, and the complexity inherent in developing solutions is documented in these articles. A factor mentioned in all the articles is that while most NGOs focus on increasing supply (via groundwater recharge), end-use patterns and efficiency may ultimately be the most important factors determining groundwater resource condition. The articles include alternative sources of drinking water: The Mahiti Experiment; case studies on the groundwater recharge activities of the Shri Vivekanand Research and Training Institute; groundwater management in Surendranagar District; a monograph on local water conservation activities of AKRSP in Junagadh programme area; and water issues in Mehsana. A summary at the end of the monograph outlines the technical, economic, social and institutional, and policy issues in groundwater management to be dealt with by the action-research network of NGOs, academicians and research institutions which the 1993 meeting agreed to set up in order to coordinate NGOs action-research strategies and government programmes.

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