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This reference work contains 130 annotated references to basic publications on water supply and sanitation. In section 1, the documents are listed per user category: generalists, specialists and field staff.

TitleList of basic publications on water supply and sanitation : a selected bibliography
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsIRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL
Secondary TitleReference series / IRC
Volumeno. 6
Edition2nd ed.
Paginationviii, 86 p.
Date Published1991-01-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Keywordsadministration, bibliographies, cab92/3, community participation, environment, health aspects, manpower development, planning, policies, sanitation, technology, water supply

This reference work contains 130 annotated references to basic publications on water supply and sanitation. In section 1, the documents are listed per user category: generalists, specialists and field staff. In each category the documents are grouped under 8 main subject headings: policies, strategies, planning and evaluation; health and hygiene; society/community education and participation; organization, management and finance; human resources development and information exchange; water supply technologies; sanitation technologies; and environmental concerns. Section 2 contains an annotated list of all the documents. The addresses of publishers and information exchange centres (section 3) and a list of journals and newsletters (section 4) are also provided.

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