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In general, women still have limited opportunities to influence the design and operation of domestic water supply projects for their productive uses of water and time. This document describes a pilot research carried out in Gujarat, India.

TitleLinking water supply and poverty alleviation : the impact of women's productive use of water and time on household economy and gender relations in Banaskantha District, Gujarat, India
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsVerhagen, J, James, AJ, van Wijk-Sijbesma, CA, Nanavatty, R, Parikh, M, Bhatt, M
Secondary TitleOccasional paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 36
Paginationxii, 76 p. : 2 boxes, 8 fig., 34 tab.
Date Published01/2004
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsaccess to water, design, domestic use, economic development, gender, india gujarat banaskantha district, operation, policies, projects, safe water supply, sdiasi, sdigen, water collection time

In general, women still have limited opportunities to influence the design and operation of domestic water supply projects for their productive uses of water and time. This document describes a pilot research carried out in Gujarat, India. Together with the women and men concerned, the following issues were assessed: the relevance of women's productive uses of water, the time gains for the family, the impact of such uses on gender relations, and the implications for policies, project design and operations management.


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