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TitleLife-cycle costs in Ghana: ideal direct support costs for WASH services
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsDwumfour-Asare, B, Nyarko, KB, Nkrumah, E, Appiah-Effah, E, Moriarty, PB
Secondary TitleWASHCost Ghana briefing note
Date Published12/2012
Place PublishedThe Hague
Publication LanguageEnglish

This briefing note presents WASHCost Ghana's findings on the expenditure required to fund sustainable services at decentralised levels. It provides insight on possible remedial actions that can be taken to correct the adverse impact of inadequate expenditure on direct support to water service delivery. Specifically, it makes a contribution in discerning the funding levels needed by WASH service authorities at decentralised levels to provide effective support services at local level.

Citation Key76511




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