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TitleLessons from water, sanitation and hygiene budget advocacy experiences in South Asia
Publication TypeResearch Report
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsHueso, A, Suneja, V
Pagination24 pgs; 2 tbl; 1 fig.
Date Published09/2021
PublisherWaterAid South Asia
Place PublishedNew Delhi, India
Publication LanguageEnglish

CSOs, WASH organisations and think tanks in South Asia have invested in budget advocacy using different approaches and methodologies over the years. This report showcases five such examples spread over Bangladesh, India and Nepal in South Asia at national and subnational levels. Through these case studies (incl. one from IRC on budget tracking undertaken during the Watershed programme), this report explores the various budget advocacy methodologies applied; the merits and limitations of these approaches; the challenges that arose; along with the successes and overall learnings.

Citation Key88070




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