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TitleLessons learned from SWASH+ phase I : impressions from four US-Based staff from Emory University and CARE
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsLochery, PWS, Keene, B, Dreibelbis, R, Green, L
Pagination6 slides
Date Published2012-08-01
PublisherSWASH+ Kenya
Place PublishedNairobi, Kenya
Keywordsschool sanitation and hygiene education program, schools, water, sanitation and hygiene [WASH]

The purpose of the School Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Plus Community Impact (SWASH+) project was to answer the question “What is the impact of a school-based water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) intervention on pupil absence, helminth infection, and diarrhea?” However, this project also focused on how to sustain and scale school WASH interventions. Specifically, SWASH+ aimed to develop and test a scalable model for school WASH, and to influence the Kenyan government to adopt proven interventions. Findings gathered over the course of the multi-year project show that lack of sustainability in school WASH interventions can strongly limit impact. Four SWASH+ staff reflected on their impressions of the project’s evolution with regard to sustainability in three areas: research, advocacy, and management and coordination. [authors abstract]

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