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The Amhara Region IWRM-WASH Coordination Forum was officially launched on December 26, 2023, in Bahir Dar, with support from regional and international NGOs. This learning document captured the main lessons learned during the establishment and facilitation of the forum.

TitleLearnings from the establishment and facilitation of the Amhara Region IWRM-WASH Coordination Forum
Publication TypeCase Study
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsAddissu, GL
Pagination26 p.
Date Published12/2024
PublisherIRC WASH Ethiopia
Place PublishedEthiopia
Publication LanguageEnglish

In 2022, IRC WASH, the World Resources Institute, the MWA Secretariat, and other stakeholders proposed the establishment of an Integrated Water Resources Management – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (IWRM-WASH) Forum in Amhara Region. In establishing the forum, these organisations aimed at uniting various sectors for consultation, networking, policy dialogue, and collaborative planning. The initiative began with stakeholder mapping in February 2023, leading to the formation of the joint IWRM-WASH Forum. Extensive discussions resulted in a unified Terms of Reference, attracting organizations like UNICEF and Plan International. The Amhara Region IWRM-WASH Coordination Forum was officially launched on December 26, 2023, in Bahir Dar, with support from regional and international NGOs. This learning document captured the main lessons learned during the establishment and facilitation of the forum.



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