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Translation of Boot, Marieke T. (1984) Making the links : guidelines for hygiene education in community water supply and sanitation : with particular emphasis on public standposts water supplies.

TitleKuyambitsa m'gwirizano : zoyenera kutsata pa maphunziro a zaukhondo m'madela momwe muli madzi a m'mipope : makamaka madzi am'mipopi yomwe anthu amamwa m'magulu
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsBoot, MT
Secondary TitleOccasional paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 5
Paginationvi, 75 p.: drwng
Date Published1991-01-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Keywordsaudiovisual aids, guidelines, health education, hygiene, public standposts, sanitation, water supply, water-related diseases

Translation of Boot, Marieke T. (1984) Making the links : guidelines for hygiene education in community water supply and sanitation : with particular emphasis on public standposts water supplies. - The Hague, The Netherlands, IRC. - Bibliography: p. 73-75

Custom 1203.2
Translated TitleMaking the links : guidelines for hygiene education in community water supply and sanitation : with particular emphasis on public standpost water supplies


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