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The main aims of the KAWAD Water Resources Audit (WRA) were to assess the status of water resources in the project watersheds and to provide a framework for more productive, sustainable and/or equitable use of water resources.

TitleKarnataka Watershed Development Project : water resources audit : KAWAD report 17
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsBatchelor, CH, Rao, MSRama Mohan, James, A
Pagination90 p. : 4 boxes, 37 fig., photogr., 13 tab.
Date Published2000-06-08
PublisherKarnataka Watershed Development Society
Place PublishedBangalore, India
Keywordscommunity management, crop production, evaluation, groundwater withdrawal, india karnataka bellary district, india karnataka bijapur district, india karnataka chitradurga district, karnataka watershed development project (india), policies, rural communities, sdiasi, sdiwrm, semi-arid zones, ueik, water resources management

The main aims of the KAWAD Water Resources Audit (WRA) were to assess the status of water resources in the project watersheds and to provide a framework for more productive, sustainable and/or equitable use of water resources. This report summarises the main findings and recommendations of the study. A major feature of the study was the consolidation, groundtruthing and analysis of water-related information using a GIS database. This involved collecting data from a wide range of different sources and carrying out field surveys to update and validate spatial and non-spatial data.

Notes68 ref.
Custom 1822, 210


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