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This book provides options and methods for integrating hygiene education with water supply and sanitation projects.

TitleJust stir gently : the way to mix hygiene education with water supply and sanitation
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsBoot, MT
Secondary TitleTechnical paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 29
Paginationx, 171 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1991-01-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9066870168
Keywordsadministration, behaviour, cab91/5, costs, evaluation, ghb, health education, health personnel, hyedgen, hygiene, integrated approach, m, monitoring, planning, susthyed

This book provides options and methods for integrating hygiene education with water supply and sanitation projects. Aspects covered include the process of behavioural change; hygiene education planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; hygiene education approaches and methods; programme organization; manpower and costs. Illustrations and examples are used to reinforce the text and to give some ideas from "real life" situations. The book is intended primarily for those responsible for the development and implementation of hygiene education components in water supply and sanitation projects. Planners and managers of integrated water supply and sanitation projects might also find the book useful.

NotesBibliography: p. 152-171
Custom 1203.2, 304
Original PublicationL'union fait la sante! : integrer l'education a l'hygiene aux programmes d'eau et d'assainissement, Aduk saja dengan lembut : cara memadukan pendidikan higiene dengan penyediaan air dan sanitasi



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