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TitleIrrigated urban vegetable production in Ghana : characteristics, benefits and risks
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
AuthorsObuobie, E, Keraita, B, Danso, G, Amoah, P, Cofie, O, Raschid-Sally, L, Drechsel, P
Pagination150 p. (16 seperate PDF-files)
Date Published2006-01-01 ?
PublisherCity Farmer, Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture
Place PublishedVancouver, BC, Canada
Keywordsagriculture, ghana, irrigation, wastewater, water reuse, water use

This book summarizes results from a large number of IWMI students’ theses and research reports. It gives a comprehensive overview of urban and peri-urban vegetable farming in Ghana’s major cities, and highlights besides economic impacts, consequences and perceptions related to the use of wastewater.

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