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TitleInterventions to improve water quality and supply, sanitation and hygiene practices, and their effects on the nutritional status of children
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsDangour, AD, Watson, L, Cumming, O, Boisson, S, Velleman, Y, Cavill, S, Allen, E, Uauy, R
EditionFinal [3d] version, ammended
Pagination11 p.; 2 fig.
Date Published2011-08-12
Place PublishedLondon, UK
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, nutrition, sanitation, water quality, water supply, water, sanitation and hygiene [WASH]

This is the protocol for a review. The objectives are as follows: the primary aim of this review is to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to improve water quality and supply (adequate quantity to maintain hygiene practices), provide adequate sanitation and promote hand-washing with soap, in improving the nutritional status of children under the age of 18 years.The secondary aim of this review is to identify current research gaps. [authors abstract]

NotesReferences on p. 8
Custom 1202.0, 302.0


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