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Proceedings of the interregional workshop on the role of women in environmentally sound and sustainable development, held in Beijing, China, 9-15 September 1992. Volume 1 contains the report of the workshop.

TitleInterregional workshop on the role of women in environmentally sound and sustainable development
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsBeijing, CNState Scie, Beijing, CNAll-China, Domingo, DOINSTRAW-S, United Nations -New York, NY, US
Pagination2 vol. (vii, 428 ; xv, 319 p.)
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherUnited Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Wpmen (INSTRAW)
Place PublishedSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic
Keywordscab94/1, case studies, economic development, environment, inventories, projects, sanitation, sustainable development, water supply, women

Proceedings of the interregional workshop on the role of women in environmentally sound and sustainable development, held in Beijing, China, 9-15 September 1992. Volume 1 contains the report of the workshop. The main part is taken up by the background papers and case studies. The background papers contain one on women and water related sustainable development. The case studies deal with a large array of subjects, from the role of funding agencies in support of the role of women to the role of women in industrial development. In the water and sanitation sector one study from Kenya discusses the Bugata/Makwasinyi Community Water and Sanitation Project and another deals with the solid waste recycling in Kampala, Uganda. Volume 2 contains the project profiles subdivided under 15 headings. Main headings are water supply and sanitation (11 projects); energy (11 projects); rural development/agriculture (17 projects). Other headings are: management, coastal area management, research and training, science and technology, micro-enterprises/construction, health, small-scale mining, statistics, population, ageing, desertification, and public information.

NotesContents: Vol. I: Proceedings of the workshop. - Vol. II: Project profiles. - Includes references
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