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TitleIntegrating hygiene improvement into HIV/AIDS programming to reduce diarrhea
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsAcademy for Educational Development -Washington, DC, US, USAID -Washington, DC, US
Pagination6 p.
Date Published2006-12-01
PublisherAcademy for Educational Development
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsdiarrhoeal diseases, disease control, domestic use, hand washing, health education, hiv/aids, policies, sanitation, sdihyg, water storage

Diarrhea, a very common symptom of HIV and AIDS, affects 90 percent of the patients living with HIV/AIDS and results in significant morbidity and mortality. Research on co-infection of diarrhea and HIV and AIDS shows that the morbidity and mortality due to diarrheal disease is even more severe in children. In later stages of AIDS, diarrhea becomes increasingly severe and persistent. Promoting hygiene practices can prolong life and improve the quality of life of the patients and can also protect family members and caregivers from contracting diarrhea.
A full range of hygiene improvement actions that professionals working in different settings can incorporate into their programs or suggest to householders as options to prevent diarrhea are elaborated : a comprehensive approach to reduce diarrheal disease by promoting improvements in key hygienic practices (hand washing, safe treatment and storage of water, sanitation), improving access to safe water and sanitation technologies and products, and facilitating or supporting an enabling environment (improved policies, community organization, institutional strengthening, and public-private partnerships).
It is imperative to dispel misconceptions around HIV transmission, especially in relationship to hygiene and casual transmission. Such gains are not to be compromised by any activity that emphasizes the importance of hygiene and water in reducing the symptoms associated with aids.
Myths that HIV and AIDS can be transmitted through water or casual contact such as through sharing utensils, toilet seats etc. have to be dispelled. It must be ensured that such myths are not revived through a focus on hygiene behaviors.

Notes18 ref.
Custom 1304, 203.2


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