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TitleIntegrated water resources management : and the domestic water and sanitation sub-sector
Publication TypeLiterature Review
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsMoriarty, PB, Butterworth, J, Batchelor, C
Secondary TitleThematic overview paper / IRC
Volumeno. 9
Paginationv, 42 p. : 17 boxes, 2 fig.
Date Published2004-05-01
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordscommunity participation, domestic use, integrated approach, sanitation, sdiwrm, water resources management, water supply

This Thematic Overview Paper (TOP) aims to point readers towards ways of adopting and benefiting from IWRM principles in the water supply and sanitation (WATSAN) sub-sector. The TOP is a digest of available guidance on IWRM in the WATSAN sector and its many links point readers to more detailed discussion of the brief points made.

The heart of the TOP is a distinction between “full” introduction of IWRM in a country and “light” implementation on a sub-sector by sub-sector basis. The concept of light introduction is intended to help overcome the huge institutional obstacles to full IWRM by encouraging individual sector agencies to adopt the basic IWRM principles in their own sectoral work, and in cross-sectoral contacts using existing structures, and to let the framework for fuller integration evolve through shared commitment.


Includes references

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Citation Key59287


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