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Water supply and sanitation delivery in the rapidly growing cities of Africa, deficient now due to both a lack of funds for investment needed to extend services and to deficient management and operation of existing facilities, is expected to become an ove

TitleInstitutional development of water supply and sanitation utilities : phase II 1999 - 2000
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsKalbermatten, JM, Janssens, JG, Djerrari, F
Pagination21 p. : tab.
Date Published1998-03-01
PublisherWater Utility Partnership
Place PublishedAbidjan, Ivory Coast
Keywordsafrica, capacity building, financing, institutional development, objectives, partnerships, projects, safe water supply, sanitation, sdiafr, sdicap, urban areas, water authorities

Water supply and sanitation delivery in the rapidly growing cities of Africa, deficient now due to both a lack of funds for investment needed to extend services and to deficient management and operation of existing facilities, is expected to become an overwhelming problem in the near future. Since governments alone are unable to improve the situation, the effective public-private partnership of water and sanitation utilities is seen as the anchor of successful urban development activities. Therefore in 1996, the Union of African Water Suppliers launched the Water Utilities Partnership (WUP) to serve as a catalyst in creating partnerships between Water Supply and Sanitation Utilities (WSSUs), whether privately or publicly owned and operated, to permit weaker organizations to learn from the more experienced ones how to organize themselves and how to become more effective service providers. Special efforts to enable WSSUs to extend and improve service delivery in marginal urban and in peri-urban areas requires them to acquire skills not normally part of a utility's standard approach: encouraging, promoting and supporting the fullest participatiion of stakeholders and the community to be served in the decision making process leading to the provision of services and to subsequently operating services in partnership with the community. The programme aims at raising awareness of WSSUs to deal with the integrated water resources management and to give an important concern to environmental issues. This work plan summarizes the achievements of Phase I of this project showing that WUP fills an urgent need in the region, and outlines the programme developed for Phase II which aims at consolidating this success, planning for a solid financial foundation, and thereafter expanding WUP activities to assist other regions. The priority is to implement projects developed during the first phase and to add new activities, chiefly in research and development, as financial resources permit. A summary budget is also included.

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