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This report evaluates a solid waste demonstration project undertaken by a local NGO, Alternativa, in two low-income districts (population 85,000) of Cono Norte in Lima, Peru.

TitleInnovative methods for environmental management of solid waste in informal urban settlements of Lima, Peru : summary and lessons learned from the Alternativa demonstration project
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsPerez, EA
Secondary TitleActivity report / EHP
Volumeno. 73
Paginationiii, 8 p.
Date Published1999-06-01
PublisherEnvironmental Health Project (EHP)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsdemonstration projects, government organizations, low-income communities, non-governmental organizations, peru lima cono norte, private sector, sdilac, sdisan, social marketing, solid waste recycling

This report evaluates a solid waste demonstration project undertaken by a local NGO, Alternativa, in two low-income districts (population 85,000) of Cono Norte in Lima, Peru. Activities included: segregation and recycling of household solid waste; training and financial (loans) support to existing and new microenterprises (run by women); design of a secondary storage system and model sanitary landfills; social marketing and sanitary education; instititutional strengthening of the municipality and community groups; and information dissemination through a publication and regional workshops.

NotesAnnexes missing
Custom 1343, 827




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