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A state of the art of strengthening monitoring water supply and sanitation in developing countries. Google scholar

TitleFrom infrastructure to services : trends in monitoring sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSchouten, T, Smits, S
Corporate AuthorsIRC
Pagination184 p.
Date Published04/2015
PublisherIRC and Practical Action
Place PublishedRugby, UK
Publication LanguageEnglish
ISBN Number9781853398131 (hardback), 9781853398148 (paperback), 9781780448145 (ebook)

From Infrastructure to Services reveals important breakthroughs in country-led and country-wide monitoring of rural and small towns water supplies; ICT for monitoring sustainable service delivery; monitoring the finance needed for service delivery; monitoring for sanitation and hygiene; and building coherence in global–regional–national monitoring. It asks: does project monitoring emphasize donor rather than user accountability or is it a necessary stepping stone to better national WASH sector monitoring? The book presents a state of the art of strengthening monitoring water supply and sanitation in developing countries and is essential reading for programme managers and policy makers in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector, both in development agencies and government departments. It should also be read by researchers and students in the WASH sector. [Publisher's abstract]



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