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This book documents the successful use of information and communication technology (ICT) in rural development.

TitleInformation and communication technology in development : cases from India
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsBhatnagar, S, Schware, R
Pagination230 p. : 31 fig., 5 tab.
Date Published2000-06-01
PublisherSAGE Publications
Place PublishedNew Delhi, India
ISBN Number8170369150 ; ISBN: 0761994459 ; ISBN: 0761994440 ; ISBN: 8170369169
Keywordscase studies, communication, india, information management, monitoring, planning, rural development, sdiinf, technology, training

This book documents the successful use of information and communication technology (ICT) in rural development.
It begins with an introductory chapter that traces the history of ICT use in rural India, examines some of the problems that have afflicted the implementation of rural development programmes, at the same time showing how ICT applications could help overcome them, assesses the early efforts in ICT use, and proposes a scheme by which to classify ICT applications. Sixteen case studies follow, which spell out the various applications of ICT that have made a difference in the delivery of services or products in rural India. Among the services covered are health care, milk distribution, disaster management, postal services, telephones, services for the disabled, and extension training. These applications of ICT cover the use of simple and inexpensive technologies at one end, and sophisticated satellite-based communication at the other. The book delineates the main elements of a strategy that can be used by governmental agencies to derive maximum developmental impact from investments in ICT. (adapted from publisher's abstract)

NotesAnnotated bibliography: p. 214-222 Includes index
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