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TitleInformal irrigation in urban West Africa : an overview
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsDrechsel, P, Graefe, S, Sonou, M, Cofie, O
Secondary TitleResearch report / IWMI
Pagination34 p.; 7 tab.; 6 fig.; 7 boxes
Date Published2006-01-01
PublisherInternational Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Place PublishedColombo, Sri Lanka
ISSN NumberISSN 10260862; ISBN 9290906421; ISBN 9789290906421
Keywordsagriculture, irrigation, rural urban migration, urban areas, urban communities, water pollution, water quality, west africa

In West Africa, the urban population is taking over the rural. Informal irrigation in urban and peri-urban areas taking advantage of the growing urban markets and the common lack of refrigerated transportation and storage, complements rural agriculture in feeding the cities with fresh vegetables. This report tries to provide a state-of-the-art overview on irrigated urban agriculture in the West African subregion based on a comprehensive literature review. [authors abstract]

NotesWith bibliography on p. 27 - 34
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