Title | Indonesian education system : influencing policy to achieve results |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2012 |
Authors | Alireja, I, Spicer, B |
Secondary Title | Towards inclusive WASH : sharing evidence and experience from the field : a series of 16 case-studies |
Volume | 8 |
Pagination | 6 p.; 4 fig. |
Date Published | 2012-07-01 |
Publisher | AusAID Australian Agency for International Development |
Place Published | Jakarta, Indonesia |
Keywords | case studies, disabilities, indonesia, school-led total sanitation, schools |
Abstract |
Indonesia’s commitment to provide education for all Indonesian children has regularly overlooked issues facing children with disabilities, including lack of accessible latrines at public schools. The Australian Government through AusAID has expressed a commitment to meeting this need through the Australia-Indonesia Basic Education Programme 2006-2010. This paper explains how the Indonesian Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs was supported to integrate accessible toilets and install hand-rails to encourage school attendance for children with disabilities. Through its program, AusAID supported the Government of Indonesia to develop a national inclusive education policy, which includes WASH components. This paper presents a successful example of how donors can advocate for policy change to improve accessibility for children This case study is one of sixteen from the Towards Inclusive WASH series, supported by AusAID’s Innovations Fund. |
Notes | With 2 references |
Custom 1 | 822 |