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Community-based studies of diarrhoea etiology and epidemiology were carried out from July 1982 - June 1984 in 153 infants living in a poor peri-urban community near Lima, Peru.

TitleIncidence and etiology of infantile diarrhea and major routes of transmission in Huascar, Peru
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsBrown, KH, Black, RE, G. de Romana, L, Bravo, N, Bazalar, OG, Kanashiro, HC
Paginationp. 785-799: 10 tab.
Date Published1989-01-01
Keywordschild health, diarrhoeal diseases, disease control, food hygiene, household hygiene, low-income communities, peru, peru lima, research

Community-based studies of diarrhoea etiology and epidemiology were carried out from July 1982 - June 1984 in 153 infants living in a poor peri-urban community near Lima, Peru. The organisms causing diarrhoea appeared to be transmitted to infants in the home through animal faeces, through contaminated water and food, and by direct person-to-person contact. A particularly important route of transmission may have been weaning foods, which were often contaminated because of improper preparation and inadequate cleaning of utensils. Improved feeding practices, along with avoidance of animal faeces and improved personal and domestic hygiene, were seen as being important interventions for the reduction of the high incidence of diarrhoea among infants in developing countries.

Notes55 ref.
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