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TitleImproving sanitation in small towns in Latin America and the Caribbean - practical methodology for designing a sustainable sanitation plan
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsRosensweig, F, Tobias, S, Perez, E, Corvetto, J
Secondary TitleStrategic report / EHP
Volumeno. 3
Paginationxii, 130 p.
Date Published2002-08-01
PublisherEnvironmental Health Project (EHP)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsenvironmental protection, field studies, financing, guidelines, health aspects, institutional aspects, latin america, methodology, sanitation, sdihyg, sdilac, small towns, social aspects, sustainability, technology, uebw
Notes17 ref.
Custom 1827
Original PublicationMejoramiento del saneamiento en las ciudades pequeñas de América Latina y el Caribe : metodología práctica para diseñar un plan de saneamiento sostenible, Improving small town sanitation in Jamaica : a success story


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