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TitleIdentifying unit costs for use in regional economic evaluation : an illustrative analysis of childhood pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Latin America and the Caribbean
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsConstenla, D, Sinha, A, Valencia, JE, Gomez, E, de la Hoz, F, Valenzuela, MT, de Quadros, CA
PaginationP. 458 - 468; 1 fig.; 5 tab.; 12 refs.
Date Published2009-04-26
Place PublishedS.l.
Keywordscaribbean, child health, health aspects, health care, health development project, health impact, latin america, public health

In conducting economic evaluations of new medical interventions, data from empirical studies offer a ready source of information regarding the use of health care resources by patients undergoing different treatments. Without major additions to the data collection burden, it is possible to record the frequency of consultations and hospitalizations, the length of hospital stays, and the number and type of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures used. However, converting the resource use data, which are measured in physical units, into cost data, for the purpose of cost-effectiveness analysis, requires the application of unit costs. [authors abstract]

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