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TitleIdentifying the potential for results-based financing for sanitation : scaling up rural sanitation
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsTremolet, S
Secondary TitleWorking paper / WSP
Paginationvi, 28 p.; 2 fig.; 6 tab.; 6 boxes
Date Published2011-11-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation Program (WSP), WSP
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, behaviour, rural communities

Today, november 2011, 2.6 billion people live without access to improved sanitation. Of these, 75 percent live in rural communities. To address this challenge, WSP is working with governments and local private sectors to build capacity and strengthen performance monitoring, policy, financing, and other components needed to develop and institutionalize large scale, sustainable rural sanitation programs. With a focus on building a rigorous evidence base to support replication, WSP combines Community-Led Total Sanitation, behavior change communication, and sanitation marketing to generate sanitation demand and strengthen the supply of sanitation products and services, leading to improved health for people in rural areas. [authors abstract]

NotesWith 14 references
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