Title | Hygiene promotion : a practical manual for relief and development |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 2007 |
Authors | Ferron, S, Morgan, J, O'Reilly, M |
Edition | rev.ed. |
Pagination | xvii, 281 p.: boxes, fig., ill. |
Date Published | 2007-01-01 |
Publisher | Practical Action Publishing |
Place Published | Rugby, UK |
ISSN Number | 1853395056 |
Keywords | emergency operations, evaluation, health education, hygiene, implementation, information gathering, manuals, monitoring, participatory methods, planning, safe water supply, sanitation, sdieme, sdihyg, training |
Abstract | Fully revised, this manual published first in 2000, provides guidance, particularly for fieldworkers, on hygiene promotion in emergency settings. The opening chapter provides and introduction to the context of emergency relief and rehabilitation projects and to current hygiene promotion theory. The manual then considers the four phases of the project cycle: assessment, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. It draws on experiences of hygiene promotion fieldworkers, especially from CARE, in emergency relief programmes. Extensive appendices include a series of data collection tools, hygiene promotion illustrations, information about hygiene-related diseases and how to prevent them pictures for use in the field, and an annotated bibliography. |
Notes | Bibliography: p. 261 - 269. - Includes subject index and glossary |
Custom 1 | 203.2 |