Title | Hygiene promotion: How effective is it? How much does it cost? |
Publication Type | Briefing Note |
Year of Publication | 2013 |
Authors | WASHCost |
Secondary Title | WASHCost global infosheet |
Volume | 5 |
Pagination | 8 p.; 1 tab.; photogr.; boxes |
Date Published | 06/2013 |
Publisher | IRC |
Place Published | The Hague |
Publication Language | English |
Keywords | costs, faecal sludge management [FSM], hygiene, use of facilities, WASHCost |
Abstract | WASHCost global infosheet 5 illustrates the importance of increased sector attention towards the promotion of hygiene as part of a strategy to sustain gains in delivering water and sanitation services. Referred to as the 'missing link' in WASH interventions, this infosheet sets in context why it was not possible for the WASHCost team to develop cost benchmarks on hygiene at the time of its writing. |
Notes | With footnotes including references |
Citation Key | 74370 |