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Do the hygiene interventions in Bhutan as part of the governments Rural Sanitation and Hygiene Programme (RSAHP) encourage safer hygiene practices and how much do these cost?

TitleHygiene cost effectiveness study in Bhutan
Publication TypeCase Study
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKrukkert, IJ, Dem, T
Pagination43 p., 27 fig., 11 tab.
Date Published06/2018
PublisherIRC and SNV
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

The Hygiene Cost Effectiveness Study assessed whether the hygiene interventions in Bhutan as part of the governments Rural Sanitation and Hygiene Programme (RSAHP) are successful in encouraging safer hygiene practices and how much these cost. It is based on IRC‘s WASHCost methodology, designed to help determine the costs and efficacy of WASH-related hygiene promotion interventions.

The study was part of SNV Bhutan’s Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A) Programme, which provides technical support to the Ministry of Health for the further development and scaling up of the RSAHP.




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