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TitleHow well is the demand-driven, community management model for rural water supply systems doing? : evidence from Bolivia, Peru, and Ghana
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsWhittington, D, Davis, J, Prokopy, L, Komives, K, Thorsten, R, Lukacs, H, Bakalian, A, Wakeman, W
Secondary TitleBWPI Working Paper
Volumeno. 22
Pagination25 p. : 5 tab.
Date Published2008-01-01
PublisherBrooks World Poverty Institute, University of Manchester
Place PublishedManchester, UK
ISSN Number9781906518219
Keywordsbolivia, community management, demand responsive approaches, evaluation, ghana, peru, rural areas, sdiafr, sdilac, sdiman, triple s models, water supply
Notes29 ref.
Custom 1824, 827, 202.6



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