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This book is for those who are in charge of facilitating community management of water supplies.

TitleHow to support community management of water supplies : guidelines for managers
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsBolt, E, Fonseca, C
Secondary TitleTechnical paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 37
Pagination144 p. : 5 fig., photogr., 9 tab.
Date Published2002-10-01
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordscapacity building, community management, cost recovery, decentralization, evaluation, external support agencies, financing, gender, government organizations, guidelines, information analysis, information gathering, information management, information storage, monitoring, non-governmental organizations, planning, private sector, rural areas, sdiman, sdipar, sustainability, uebw, water supply

This book is for those who are in charge of facilitating community management of water supplies. It provides guidelines and food for thought for managers and decision-makers who want to improve the performance of their organisation and make sure that water supply services in place keep working. It answers such questions as: what kind of support do communities require? How can this support be provided? What are the organisational conditions we need to put in place? What tools can we use? Who should be involved? What does it demand from support organisations and the communities? In other words: what does it take to support community management of water supplies.


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