Tactics and approaches for evidence-based advocacy. Lessons learned from 13 case studies in six countries.
Title | How civil society generates and uses evidence for influencing policy : experiences from Watershed empowering citizens programme |
Publication Type | Working Paper |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Walter, E, Mukherjee, R, Rozenberg, E |
Pagination | 31 p. : boxes, fig, photogr. |
Date Published | 12/2020 |
Publisher | IRC / Watershed |
Place Published | The Hague, the Netherlands |
Publication Language | English |
Abstract | The Watershed empowering citizens programme (2016-2020) supported civil society organisations (CSOs) to design country-specific strategies for evidence-based lobby and advocacy. This working paper introduces key concepts, the approach that the programme used, and the lessons learned from 13 case studies in six countries - Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Kenya, Mali and the Netherlands – and one global case study. These cases have shown there are several tactics and approaches that facilitate/enable use of the data and evidence to support the decision-making journey. These include inclusive stakeholder engagement; using thematic expertise throughout the process; increasing citizen participation; and using diverse forms of data. The questionnaire used for the case studies and an overview of the case studies themselves are include as annexes. |
Notes | Includes 10 ref. |
URL | https://watershed.nl/media/evidence-based-advocacy-how-civil-society-generates-and-uses-evidence-for-influencing-policy-and-practice/ |
Citation Key | 87443 |