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TitleHealth, environment and the burden of disease : a guidance note
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsCairncross, S, O'Neill, D, McCoy, A, Sethi, D
Pagination60 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published2003-02-01
PublisherDepartment for International Development, DFID
Place PublishedLondon, UK
ISSN Number1861925549
Keywordsenvironmental health, guidelines, health hazards, health impact, hygiene, policies, sanitation, sdihyg, water supply, water-related diseases

This guidance note examines the conditions which determine whether an environmental hazard is responsible for a substantial amount of disease, and whether feasible measures are available to prevent it. It considers three problems which account for nearly three quarters of the environmental burden of disease: water, sanitation and hygiene; indoor air pollution, and injuries. The note also discusses five main types of approach which can improve environmental health: achieving effective behavioural change; improved governance, including regulation and legislation where appropriate; improved service delivery; appropriate infrastructure; finance and social marketing.

NotesIncludes references and glossary
Custom 1203.1
Original PublicationLa sante, l'environnement et le fardeau des maladies : note d'orientation


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