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TitleHealth and irrigation : incorporation of disease-control measures in irrigation, a multi-faceted task in design, construction, operation. Volume 2
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsOomen, JMV, de Wolf, J, Jobin, WR
Secondary TitleILRI publication
Volumeno. 45, vol. 2
Pagination119 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published1988-01-01
PublisherInternational Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement
Place PublishedWageningen, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9070754177
Keywordsafrica, brazil, case studies, economic aspects, epidemiology, ghana lake volta, ghb, health aspects, indonesia east java, information gathering, iran khuzestan province, irrigation, mauritania gorgol river valley, niger, philippines, puerto rico, safe water supply, sanitation, sri lanka, sudan, usa tennessee, vector control, vector-borne diseases, vectors
Custom 1245.3, 272.2
Original PublicationHealth and irrigation : incorporation of disease-control measures in irrigation, a multi-faceted task in design, construction, operation. Volume 1



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