Title | Handbook of public water systems |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 1986 |
Authors | Williams, RB, Culp, GL |
Secondary Title | Van Nostrand Reinhold environmental engineering series |
Pagination | xiv, 1113 p.: fig., tab. |
Date Published | 1986-01-01 |
Publisher | Van Nostrand Reinhold |
Place Published | New York, NY, USA |
ISBN Number | 0442215975 |
Keywords | activated carbon treatment, asbestos, chemical dosing, coagulation/flocculation, demineralization, disinfection, filtration, fluoridation, fluoride removal, hydraulics, iron removal, manganese removal, odour control, pretreatment, pumps, sedimentation, sludge treatment, softening, taste control, treatment costs, trihalomethanes, urban areas, water collection systems, water distribution, water pollution, water quality, water storage, water treatment plants |
Notes | Includes references and index |
Custom 1 | 201 |