Title | Guidelines on appropriate technologies for water supply and sanitation in developing communities |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 2002 |
Authors | Pearson, LA, Bhagwan, J, Kariuki, W, Banda, W |
Secondary Title | WRC report |
Volume | no. 520/1/01 |
Pagination | ca. 115 p. + 14 annexes : fig., tab. |
Date Published | 2002-01-01 |
Publisher | Water Research Commission, WRC |
Place Published | Pretoria, South Africa |
ISBN Number | 1868458407 |
Keywords | appropriate technology, desalination, groundwater exploration, groundwater protection, health education, health impact, maintenance, manuals, pumps, rural areas, sanitation, sdisan, sdiwat, south africa, springwater, water supply |
Abstract |
In the context of the development focus of the RDP programme, particularly towards rural and peri-urban areas of South Africa, there arose a need for information on development options and approaches, particularly with respect to water supply and sanitation. The CSIR and various organisations had been producing guidelines which were often requested by various role players, and there was a need to expand the availability of guideline documents to cater for various role players. An additional motivation for the project was that a number of new role players were |
Notes | Includes references |
Custom 1 | 201, 301 |