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This book presents a series of papers illustrating the varied nature of current research into groundwater quality.

TitleGroundwater quality
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsNash, H, McCall, GJH
Secondary TitleAGID special publication series. The geosciences in international development
Volumeno. 17
Paginationxv, 204 p.: fig., maps, photogr., tab.
Date Published1995-01-01
PublisherChapman and Hall
Place PublishedLondon, UK
ISBN Number0412586207
Keywordsagriculture, arid zones, bolivia, cab95/6, cab96/1, case studies, chemical analysis, denmark copenhagen, egypt, ethiopia, groundwater, groundwater pollution, indonesia, irish republic, landfills, nitrates, oman, peru lima, research, salinity, shallow wells, south africa, urban areas, water quality, zambia

This book presents a series of papers illustrating the varied nature of current research into groundwater quality. Urban and rural supplies are covered through a case history approach, and the importance of remedial action to prevent deterioration is emphasized. The book provides chapters focusing on natural hydrochemical studies, water quality issues and case studies on human impact and pollution in rural and urban groundwater environments. The book has four parts, in which each includes introductions by leading practitioners giving an overview of the key issues. Each section also includes a synthesis of key research on groundwater quality and contamination. Examples are taken from around the world, to illustrate different aspects of hydrochemical evolution and many of the problematic contaminants which are currently the subject of research to safeguard water quality and remediate contaminated groundwater.

NotesIncludes references
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