Title | Governance of water and sanitation services for the peri-urban poor : a framework for understanding and action in metropolitan regions |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 2006 |
Authors | Allen, A, Davila, JD, Hofmann, P |
Pagination | 126 p. : 18 boxes, 5 fig., 6 tab. |
Date Published | 2006-01-01 |
Publisher | Development Planning Unit, University College London |
Place Published | London, UK |
ISBN Number | 1874502609 |
Keywords | case studies, egypt cairo, india tamil nadu chennai, literature reviews, mexico mexico city, peri-urban communities, planning, policies, sanitation, sdipol, sdiurb, tanzania dar es salaam, urban areas, venezuela caracas, water management, water supply |
Abstract | This document is one of the main outputs of a three-year project, which has gathered and synthezised knowledge from around the developing world. It offers a conceptual and practical tool for those involved in the long-term planning and daily management of basic service provision in metropolitan regions. Information was collected in Chennai, Dar es Salaam, Cairo, Mexico City and Caracas. The book also draws on a broader review of existing literature and on a small number of experiences and innovative peri-urban interventions in different countries. Section 1 presents background information on the basic concepts and definitions. Section 2 uses the water cycle to highlight the specific issues that arise in the provision of water and sanitation services in the context of the peri-urban interface. It also examines the challenges faced by peri-urban dwellers, service providers and regulators to improve access to water and sanitation for the poor and to enhance the management of the natural resource base. Section 3 summarizes a number of initiatives from around the world, which address the problems and illustrate some of the principles outlined earlier in the document. |
Notes | Bibliography: p. 118-123 |
Custom 1 | 202.3, 302.3 |
Original Publication | So close to the city, so far from the pipes : the governance of water & sanitation and the peri-urban poor |