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Participants at the workshops made it clear that appropriate technologies and approaches are available that can lead to the production of more food by poor farmer groups in marginal environments without creating dependence on external inputs and without d

TitleGoing to scale : can we bring more benefits to more people more quickly? : workshop highlights
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsInternational Institute of Rural Reconstruction -Silang, PH, IIRR
Paginationviii, 114 p. : 11 fig., 5 tab.
Date Published2000-12-01
PublisherInternational Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Place PublishedSilang, Philippines
ISBN Number0942717996
Keywordsagriculture, capacity building, community participation, institutional aspects, monitoring, partnerships, replicability, research, rural development, sdicap, sdiman, small-scale activities

Participants at the workshops made it clear that appropriate technologies and approaches are available that can lead to the production of more food by poor farmer groups in marginal environments without creating dependence on external inputs and without damaging the natural resource base.
The recommendations and conclusions give guidelines on how to proceed with scaling up processes.

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