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TitleGlobal scaling up rural sanitation project : research on the sustainability of rural sanitation marketing in Vietnam
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsSijbesma, C, Truong, TX, Devine, J
Secondary TitleLearning note / WSP
Pagination4 p. : 1 box, 2 ill.
Date Published2010-07-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation Program, WSP
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, marketing, rural areas, sanitation, sdiasi, sdisan, viet nam

Three years after the cessation of a sanitation marketing pilot project conducted by IDE, service providers and demand for sanitary toilets continued to develop in Vietnam. The trend of increased access  to sanitary toilets was sustained, with average access growing to 44 percent in 2006 and 59 percent by 2008. Government-directed scaling up was noted in one pilot district. Nui Thanh district used its own funds and resources to scale up the sanitation marketing approach. By 2008, the average sanitation access in the district had reached 63 percent. The pilot project would have benefited from a simple sanitation monitoring system. Long-term sustainability is not assured. Among other factors, ongoing budgeting for promoter and provider training, market research, production of promotional materials, expanded sludge removal services, and development of a more poorspecific marketing strategy, are essential to future sustainability. (Authors' abstract: key findings)

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1305.2, 822




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