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TitleGerman development cooperation in the water sector
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsDE, GFederal Mi
Secondary TitleBMZ-aktuell
Pagination47 p. : 4 tab.
Date Published1998-03-01
PublisherGermany, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Place PublishedBonn, Germany
Keywordscase studies, development cooperation, financing, german federal republic, india, jordan, palestine, paraguay, peru, policies, projects, safe water supply, sanitation, sdipol, sdiwrm, turkey, uganda, water resources management, zambia

The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of all diseases occurring in developing countries are related to water. However, today some 40% of the world's population, living in 80 developing countries, lack access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitation. Recognizing that water is the key to every kind of development, The Federal Republic of Germany, as an active partner in development efforts, has recently intensified its endeavours in the water sector. With ongoing projects backed by total funding of about DM 7 billion, today Germany ranks among the world's largest donors. This brochure presents an overview of Germany's development-policy accomplishments and services in the water sector. As well as discussing global trends in the water sector, issues related to water quality and wastewater disposal and treatment, and the growth of the demand for water, chapter 1 analyses the framework conditions affecting the principal areas of German development-cooperation activity in the field. Chapter 2 portrays the German Government's development policy on integrated management of water resources. Recognizing the user-pay principle and respecting the social, economic and environmental-policy aspects, the concept reprinted here serves as a basis for planning and implementing development-cooperation projects in the water supply and sanitation field. Types of development cooperation involving the German Government and methods of fund deployment are included. Typical projects are described to illustrate the diversity of German development cooperation in the water sector.

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