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TitleGender mainstreaming impact study
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsNycander, L, Cross, P, Damhaug, T
Secondary TitleWater and Sanitation Trust Fund impact study series / UN-Habitat
Volumeno. 4
Series VolumeHS/012/11E
Paginationxvii, 75 p. : 5 tab.
Date Published2011-01-01
PublisherUN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
Place PublishedNairobi, Kenya
ISSN Number9789211323078
Keywordsdecision making, gender, governance, impact assessment, poverty, sanitation, sdigen, water supply

The objective of this impact assessment is to identify how the water and sanitation initiatives implemented under the Water Sanitation and Infrastructure Branch (WSIB) of UN-HABITAT, have strategically mainstreamed gender aspects in its various initiatives and to identify achievements and impact, challenges, lessons learned and provide recommendations. This Gender Impact Assessment has found that great progress has been made by UN-HABITAT’s WSIB in collaboration with its partners, in demonstrating that pro-poor governance, gender mainstreaming and empowering women and youth to participate in decision-making all clearly contributes to water and sanitation improvements and benefits all members in a community. The pilot initiatives have generated a “critical mass” of achievement and experience. The majority of the countries assessed have to a varying degree implemented work and models that are replicable. There are also examples of “multiplier effects” of approaches and models. [Authors' abstract]

NotesBibliography: Annex III (p. 72-74)
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