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Comprehensive publication offering a "state of the art" assessment of the current situation of women and ICTs.

TitleGender, information technology and developing countries : an analytical study
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsTaggart, N, Hafkin, N
Paginationv, 116 p. : photogr., 3 tab.
Date Published2001-06-01
PublisherAcademy for Educational Development
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordscomputers, economic development, education, gender, impact assessment, information networks, internet, policies, sdigen, sdiinf, skills, social development, uebw

Comprehensive publication offering a "state of the art" assessment of the current situation of women and ICTs. It includes obstacles to access, impact of ICTs on women's work, opportunities for women's economic empowerment through ICTs, political empowerment of women through ICTs, and ensuring women's ability to take advantage of ICT opportunities. It includes charts, statistical profiles, web resources and ICT indicators.

NotesNotes and references: p. 103-116 Includes a list of gender and web recources
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