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This report examines the gender dimension of key water policy documents in South Africa.

TitleThe gender dimension of the water policy and its impact on water and sanitation provision in the Eastern Cape : the case of the Peddie District
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsMonyai, PB
Secondary TitleWRC report
Volumeno. 1021/1/02
Paginationxiii, 33 p. : tab.
Date Published2003-03-01
PublisherWater Research Commission, WRC
Place PublishedPretoria, South Africa
ISBN Number1868459136
Keywordsgender, institutional aspects, legislation, policies, research, sanitation, sdiafr, sdigen, south africa, uebw, water supply

This report examines the gender dimension of key water policy documents in South Africa. The research included an evaluation of the policy framework; the policy implementation in the Peddie Water Scheme; and the factors affecting women's participation in policy implementation. The report also includes a literature review of research and experiences of gender in the water and sanitation sector and has case studies from Uganda, Pakistan and Ghana. Recommendations are made dealing with the policy framework; decision making participation and cultural norms; employment opportunities; training and skills development; and institutional linkages.

Notes21 ref.
Custom 1202.1, 302.1, 824



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