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This paper discusses the different interests of men and women in the use of water resources, and what effects the neglect of female interests in particular, has on development.

TitleGender aspects in the management of water
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
Authorsvan Wijk-Sijbesma, CA, de Lange, E, Saunders, D
Paginationp. 91-103 : 3 fig., 3 tab.
Date Published1996-05-02
Keywordsadministration, gender, participatory methods, research, water management, water resources management

This paper discusses the different interests of men and women in the use of water resources, and what effects the neglect of female interests in particular, has on development. The authors stress that besides class and ethnic differences, the different interests of men and women also play a role in the cross-sectoral management of water resources. Water pricing, property rights and management structures are three key aspects where a gender approach is required. Gender specific participatory research, planning and tools, gender in management organizations and task divisions and the involvement of multidisciplinary teams with a gender orientation are discussed.

Notes34 ref.
Custom 1202.1, 210


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