Title | Formulation of an outline strategy for Maputo city : citywide sanitation planning |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2011 |
Authors | Water and Sanitaiton for the Urban Poor -London, GB, WSUP |
Pagination | 118 p.; refs.; 6 tab.; aa fig. |
Date Published | 2011-01-15 |
Publisher | Sociedade de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento, SEED |
Place Published | Maputo, Mozambique |
Keywords | infrastructure, mozambique, mozambique maputo, planning |
Abstract |
WSUP is currently progressing with the implementation of the WSUP supported Tchemulane Project in Maputo to provide improved water and sanitation services to an urban poor population of about 175,000 inhabitants. This program is being undertaken in partnership with the key local service providers (LSP’s) responsible for water supply and sanitation in this city. The improvements required to household sanitation and related services is a particular priority due to the relatively low level of access to satisfactory sanitation services for a majority of the urban population within the city and in the peri urban areas. The achievement of objectives including long term sustainability of the WSUP supported project are also influenced by the medium and long term strategy for citywide sanitation improvements that are planned by the concerned service authorities. The LSP’s and relevant agencies with responsibility for sanitation and related services have a mandate for planning and implementing sanitation improvement programs for the city. The programs would include several components and implementation phases that cover the range of requirements of the urban population. WSUP is offering to assist in the formulation of a citywide sanitation strategy. This enables the development and implementation of the sanitation program for the WSUP supported project to take place within the context of the wider citywide strategy. It also enables the WSUP sanitation program to inform and facilitate the city’s |
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